Un atelier d'usinage du Michigan franchit un cap avec des instructions de travail numérisées (en anglais)

Pollington Machine & Tool montre comment les ateliers américains peuvent accroître leur efficacité grâce à la numérisation des systèmes d'exécution de fabrication.

Digitizing work instructions and making them more visual is a significant way to help small to medium size machine shops streamline operations. This shift allows machine shops to eliminate binders of paper instructions, eliminating printing costs and making information more accessible. The digitization also allows machine shops to become more connected, to devices on their factory floor and clouds beyond it.

All changes that benefit small to medium size factories cut expenses and save time aid the manufacturing sector. In the U.S., small businesses make up over 98% of America’s manufacturers. Machine shops build a wide array of components critical to aerospace, automotive, aviation and medicine, from engine bearings to N95 respirators.

Solutions to bring down costs helps machine shops cope with inflation. It also puts them in a better position to purchase the latest equipment. The concern regarding machine shops’ health is evidenced by data showing orders for manufacturing technology are down 31% from December 2023 and 3.7% since January 2023.

Many small to medium manufacturers rely on paper-based systems to relay instructions. This activity is a good point to begin improving efficiency.

Pollington Machine & Tool, Inc., a 150-person company in north central Michigan, recently adopted Manufacturing Execution Software developed by Pico MES. The shift is benefitting the production of electric vehicles (EVs).

Pollington started communicating with Pico MES, a San Francisco-based company, in December 2022. The goal was to improve production of side rails, a component of a vehicle’s chassis that contains a multitude of necessary parts, including batteries, motors and wheels. Pollington is a Tier 1 automotive supplier for an EV original equipment manufacturer.

Pour lire l'article complet : Michigan machine shop turns corner with digitized work instructions | Engineering.com

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